About Me and My Website

Hello Everybody! My name is Ana Guerra but you might know me as NiTaH, pintascena, NiTaHv07 or even nitahjb. I'm 14 and I live in Portugal, very nice country indeed. In this official website you'll find every website related to me like Youtube account, Twitter, Blogger... those website are all wrote in English or Portuguese.
Most of my life is about videogames, music, movies and sports. In school they think I'm a bit nerd but that's just one of my hundred characters. I can be a Jonas Brothers freak, I can be a Final Fantasy freak, I can be a The Sims freak, and much more.

Youtube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/pintascena

Follow Me On Twitter - http://twitter.com/pintascena

Blogger Profile - http://www.blogger.com/profile/01130128695088007713

Hi5 - http://pintascena.hi5.com

PSN ID - NiTaHv07

E-Mail - [email protected]